Thracia XV. In honorem annorum LXX Alexandri Fol
In honour of Alexander Fol's 70th Anniversary
Table of contents
In Honorem Alexandri Fol. Curriculum Vitae
V. Fol. List of Publications by Alexander Fol
Tabula Gratulatoria
M. Petrescu-Dîmbovita. Le problem da la mètallurgie du bronze chezles Thraces de l’espace Carpato-Danubien dans l’oeuvre de Vasile Pârvan
K. Jordanov. Achaemenido Thracica: Attempts at Political and Administrative Control (ca. 515—466 BC)
J. Lichardus, M. Lichardus-Itten. Noch einmal zu den nordpontischen Beziehungen während der frühen Vorgeschichte Bulgariens
N. Tasić. New Data for Understanding Early Iron Age in Serbia
S. Hiller. Frühe Beschriftete Webgeräte im ägäischen und ausserägäischen Raum
I. Marazov. Der Hyperboreische Mythos in Apollonia Pontica
V. Nikolov. Periodization of the Neolithic along the Struma Valley
P. Delev. From Corupedion towards Pydna: Thrace in the Third Century
L. Getov. Cohors I Athoitorum in Kabyle (Epigprahic Record)
G. L. Medrano. Sócrates y Tracia la “Atopía” de Sócrates y la experiencia de Potidea
Y. Al. Yordanov. Anthropologisms
V. Guzelev. Paideia (Observations sur l’instructions et l’éducation l’empereur de Nicée Théodore II Dougas Lascaris at son attitude a l’égard des Bulgariens dans ses oeuvres)
E. Beksac. Voices of Mysia the Three Rock-Cut Sanctuaries of Bigadiç in the Province of Balikesir
L. E. Roller. The Mother Goddess between Thrace and Phrygia
Z. Gočeva. Le culte de la Grande Déese-Mére en Thrace
G. R. H. Wright. Orpheus with his Head
T. T. Sivas.A Newly Discovered Phrygian Façade Monument from Western Phrygia: The Monument of Kuzoren-Tavuk Pınarı
A. Poruciuc. Orpheus — Name and Function
R. Popov. Der Bär im Volksglauben der Balkanvölker
S. Saprykin. Greek Inscription on Bronze Cauldron from Sosnovka, Volgograd Region, Russia
D. Boyadzhiev. Engraving a Name
V. Fol. Rock-Cut Caves with Two Entrances or the Model of the Cosmos
M. Irimia. Den Grabritus und die Grabrituale der Babadag-Kultur-Gemeinschaften betreffend
M. Slavova. Types of Vowel-Junction in the Greek Inscriptions in Bulgaria
C. Timoc. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Cohors III Delmatarum Equitata römischen Dakien
K. Porozhanov. The History of Ancient Thrace, the Old History of Europe, and Old World History (Some Problems of Theory and Methodology)
S. Janakieva. ΑΛΕΚΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ und die vorgriechishchen Namen auf — ΑΝΔΡΟΣ
G. Kitov. The Griffin Tumulus
R. Georgieva. Sepultures Insolites de Thrace (fin du IIe—Ie Mil av. J. –C.)
A Stoev, P. Muglova, M. Stoeva, Y. Tashev, B. Videnov, R. Velkov, V. Velkov, M. Stoyanova. An Archaeoastronomical Investigation of the Harman Kaya Rock-Cut Megacomplex in the Region of Dolna Chobanka Village, Momchilgrad Municipality
C. Buyukliev, N. Sharankov. The Carasura Early Byzantine Inscription Once Again
P. A. Dimitrov. The 6th Century BC Inscription from Kjolmen, District of Prelsav, North-Eastern Bulgaria
R. Neykova. Thracian Orphism and Shamanhood — Two Mutually Exclusive Ideas
M. Vasstleva. King Midas and the Gordion Knot
D. Boteva. Dastellung einer thrakischen Katabasis-Sage
G. Valtchinova. “Voir le Passé”: Histoire et mémoire dans les visions de Vanga
K. Rabadjiev. The Eternal Youth of Gods
T. Stoyanov. The Getic Capital at Sboryanovo: New Excavation Issues and Research Development
B. Naimushin. Slavic Culture and Slavic Civilization or Communities Imagined and Communities Imposed
I. Gatsov. Main Technological and Typological Features of Chipped Stone Assemblages from NW Turkey
V. Lozanova. Die Sophokleische Tragödie Tereus die tragische Sünde
D. Kotova. Der Tote und seine Witwen (zu Herodot 5. 5, Pomponius Mela 19. 20 und Aristotel fr. 611)
D. Zheleva-Martins. Semantics of the Ionic Capital
M. Tonkova. Late Iron Age Pit-Sanctuaries in Thrace: The Contribution of the Studies at Gledachevo
S. Lozanova. Balkan Material Culture Object Archetypes till the end of 19th C.
T. Stepanov. Freedom and Otherness: The Standpoint of Steppe Eurasia
H. Preshllenov. Die mesambrische ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ
G. Arnaoudov. Thyepoleo — Orphic Mysterial Rituals
D. Agre. A New Interpretation of Scenes Decorating the Amphora-Rhyton from the Panagyurishte Treasure
R. Dontchéva. L’antiquité et la sculpture tchèque di XIX sièle. Le sculpteur tchèque Jozef Veneslas Myslbek et son Élène Marin Vassilev
M. Alexieva. Sur le disparition et la redecouverte du texte antique strategies de l’approche de la theorie d’Aristote de la comedie
D. Dimitrova. Unpublished Fibulae from the Region of Pyassachnik Dam, Central Bulgaria
D. Damyanov. Das Weltbild der Thraker. Thrakische Hügelgrab-Nekropole bei Ljubtscha, westliche Rhodopen
M. Avramova. L’Origine du rite
E. Penkova. Orphic Graffito on a bone Plate from Olbia
L. Konova. The Dionysos’ Chariot Lead Model from the Necropolis of Apollonia Pontica
M. Stefanova. Early Bronze Age Fortification Systems in Upper Thrace
I. Shopova. A Note on the Thracian Orphism in Roman Thrace
D. Doncheva. Continuity and Discontinuity in Notions of Collecting
N. Stanev. Spartacus — Appreciations de la postérité
B. Dumanov. Archaeology of the Late Antique Treasures Southern of the Lower Danube (4 — 6 CC.) Common Directions
I. Hristov, V. Barakov. Thracian Rock Sanctuary in the Vicinity of Discoduratere
Details | |
Publisher | Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) |
Language | English, French, German, Spanish |
Pages | 740 |
Illustrations | b&w photographs, drawings, maps |
Binding | hardback |
ISSN | 0204-9872 |
Creation date | 2003 |
Size | 16 x 24 cm |