The West Pontic Coast between Emine Cape and Byzantion during the First Millennium BC

The book is a revision of author's PhD dissertation titled Settlement System along the West Pontic Coast during the First Millennium B.C.: The Area between Emine Cape and the Straits. The present study contains a detailed systemization of the available information of settlements and material culture along the South-Western Black Sea coast during the Ist mill. BC.


Table of contents


Chapter I. Historiography

Chapter II. Physical Geography

Chapter III. Settlement and Road Network between the Emine Part of the Balkan Mountains and the Bosphorus

I. The Area between Emine Part of the Balkan Mountains and Medni Rid

I.1. Northern Region

I.2. Central Region

I.3. Southern Region

II. The Area from Central Bosna to the Bosphorus

II.1. From Dyavolska River to the Village Kayakoy (Midiya)

II.2. From the Village Kayakoy to the Bosphorus


Table  Data of the Settlement System





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About the author

Martin Gyuzelev was born in 1972 in Sofia. In 1991 he graduated from the St. Constantin-Cyril Philosophus National Secondary School of Ancient Languages and Culture  Sofia. In 1998 Martin Gyuzelev was conferred Master’s degree in Archaeology by St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University and in 2004 defended a PhD dissertation as a full-time post-graduate student with the Archaeological Institute and Museum with Bulgarian Academy of Sciences — Sofia. He has specialized in the field of Classical Archaeology. Since 2005 Martin Gyuzelev has been Chief Curator of Archaeology Department with Regional Historical Museum — Burgas.


Publisher Lotus Advertising
Language English
Pages 320
Illustrations b/w figures, maps
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-954-90393-7-5
Creation date 2008
Size 16 х 24 cm

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