Roof tiles and architectural terracottas from Apollonia Pontica (6th3rd c. BC)
Строителна керамика и архитектурна теракота от Аполония Понтика (VIIII в. пр.Хр.)

Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English
Category: archaeology


The present study aims at presenting in a systematic way the accumulated evidence for pre-Roman roof tiles and architectural terracotta from the Milesian colony of Apollonia Pontica (Ἀπολλωνία Ποντική).


Table of contents


Първа глава. Цели, задачи, методи, хронология
Chapter one. Aims, methodology and chronology

Втора глава. История на проучванията и историография
Chapter two. History of research

Трета глава. Строителна керамика от къснокласическата / елинистическата епоха
Chapter three. Roof tiles from the Late Classical and Hellenistic periods

Четвърта глава. Храмова архитектура и архитектурна декорация
Chapter four. Temple architecture and architectural decoration

Пета глава. Архаична строителна керамика
Chapter five. Archaic roof tiles

Шеста глава. Архитектурна теракота
Chapter six. Architectural terracottas




List of figures



Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 194
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-954-07-5393-5
Creation date 2022
Size 21 х 29 cm

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