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Roman period

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Port Baglar
  Port Baglar: Archaeological surveys in the water area of Cape Hristos and the hin...
The belt south of Lower Danube: The end of the 3rd c. – the beginning of the 7th c.
  The belt south of Lower Danube: The end of the 3rd c. — the beginning of t...
The Defense System of the Late Roman Province of Scythia (the end of the 3rd – the 7th century A.D.
  The Defence System of the Late Roman Province of Scythia (the end of the 3rd ...
Ulpia Oescus. Roman, Late Roman and Early Byzantine Town. Volume II: Basilica Civilis et Templum Fortunae
  Teofil Ivanov. Ulpia Oescus. Roman, Late Roman and Early Byzantine Town. Volume II: Ba...
Ulpia Oescus: A Roman and Early Byzantine City. Vol. I
  Ulpia Oescus: A Roman and Early Byzantine City. Vol. I Ескус: Римски и ...
Moesia Secunda and Scythia during the  4th–7th century AD
  Moesia Secunda and Scythia during the  4th—7th century AD: Barbarians' Inv...
Ratiaria semper floreat. Volume I
  Ratiaria semper floreat. Volume I. Ratiaria and its territory. Researches. &n...
Roman Moesia
  Rumen Ivanov. Roman Moesia Румен Иванов. Римска Мизия C...
Roman Roads in Bulgaria. Contribution to the Development of Roman Road System in the Provinces of Moesia and Thrace
Based on 1 reviews.
  Roman Roads in Bulgaria: Contribution to the Development of Roman Road System in the P...
A procession of Dionysos: A masterpiece of the ancient mosaic art
  A procession of Dionysos: A masterpiece of the ancient mosaic art Дионисиев...
A Sanctuary оf Zeus and Hera on Kozi Gramadi Peak in Sredna Gora
  A Sanctuary оf Zeus and Hera on Kozi Gramadi Peak in Sredna Gora Author: Ivan hrist...

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