Mariana Georgieva. The "Fourth" Power of Language: Etymon and Metaphor
Мариана Георгиева. „Четвъртата“ власт на езика. Етимон и метафора
Language: Bulgarian
The monograph examines the power of language manifested in linguistic media explication as etymon and metaphor. The power of language "regulates" linguistic media explication through linguistic laws and linguistic norms. Language is power because it fundamentally exercises our subjectivity and subjectivities in fullness - speech, action, narrative, responsibility for each of these presentations. Language and power as the two sides of sovereignty - identity and statehood - present the modern cognitive conceptual sphere. Language is present in the paradigm of 'power' as a state-determining structural paradigm. The paradigm of power as a philosophical category, whose explications are the legislative, executive, judicial, and what is called the "fourth" - the media, has language as its foundation. Authorship is a fundamental quantity for the credibility of media discourse. Responsibility to language is the phenomenon of authorship. The translation of language into the phenomenon - ontology - authority - concept orbit determines our cognitive memory. The authority of language both enforces and subordinates the authorial proper name. Credibility is the modus nominative of proper name. Fake news is a modus unbalanced in terms of subjectivity, which renders the linguistic construction meaningless altogether and thus mimics communicativity.